Friday, April 8, 2011

Mencari tajuk entry!

Greetings to readers!!
Well,rasa cam dah lama je tak update blog ni..
bukan ape ye anak-anak..*errr..klaka tak*
jiwa ni mmg la nak sgt update belog..
tp otak yg taknak bg cooperation..
*ecehhh..alasan je lebey*
korg baca tajuk entry pon dah boleh agak la..
aku ni sebenarnye takde idea nk update belog laa..
tu yg dok biar je blog ni berhabuk..
Ohh okay..1 week left before the study week start..
seriously can't wait to breath with KL air..
*gila ke hape..ingat bersih sgt ke udara kat kl tu* matter what..can't wait for that week..
but before that week comes to me..
all the assignment need to be hand in to lecturer..
and it's finally our turn to present the final project for IBM subject..
it's kinda nervous+headache
coz all group before us has done their project..
gempak kot presentation dorg..
so, korg ada idea tak nk wat cane..
kalo PM me ok..
*ecehhh..bajet artis pulak*
Okay dah laa..malas nk taip pepanjang..kang bosan pulak korg nak membaca nye..tu pon kalo baca laa..weeeee~

p/s: Ni untuk awak laa..
*err..gamba ni ada dlm tumblr gak*